Friday, September 22, 2006

To the Man

My "Daddy" is leaving Paris, I always spend my time with him in Paris...

The man is going home... I envy him, a little..... and going to Paris and not finding him will be a bummer....

Here's to the man, who made me start blogging; France is gonna miss ya.

P.S: Don't start bitching about worlds colliding! You hear??! :)


maxxedout said...

this is got "disaster" written all over it !!!

maxxedout said...

however i'm relieved u've finally officially acknowledged my "daddy" status upon you ....

Elsede3' said...

okay, i know en elly ha2oolo mallosh ay 3elaka,
but u're an egyptian right???
so KOL SANA WENTY TAYEBA we ramadan kareem ya N :D

N said...

Kaf: I have only acknowledged that once, and it's a very special occasion, having said that, i have a terrible memory and i have no clue what you're talking about :D

oh and there is something very uncharacteristic about this paranoia of yours :D

elsedegh: aywa masreya :) wenta tayed