Tuesday, June 12, 2012

When you count in weeks...

7 weeks and 2 days. It's really only the size of bean but it has majorly taken over my life. Utter and complete exhaustion, bouts of anxiety, alternating sleepiness and sleeplessness, rapid weight gain and hormones on fire, what my husband refers to as "harmonica" - think pms factored by multiples.
7 weeks and 2 days at a time when the country has decided to officially go to hell...such little else matters :)


The Negative Girl said...

Oh my God N!

From a girl from a country going to hell, to a girl from an other country going to hell, alf mabrouk :)

May this magic bean of yours fill your life with more love & sweetness than you ever imagined is possible to exist <3

N said...

that was fast! thank you :)))

but your country is prettier...... :-)

The Negative Girl said...

Ahh you know what they say ya N.. Les beaux villages brûlent en beauté.

What pains me is, the sore realisation/admission of the fact that we deserve what is coming upon us.

May the god that I am not sure I believe in help us all.

Lots, lots of love.

Haroun el Poussah said...

wow, congratulations!!!

insomniac said...

hey, congrats :D

poshlemon said...

Alf mabrouk.

I cannot express how excited I am for you.

You deserve all this, all the happiness in the world.

maxxedout said...


Faisal said...
