Tuesday, October 19, 2010


8 people have died from my school class. One of which was my best friend since i was 4, she died 11 years ago, she was 19.

one died from a jet ski accident
4 in car crashes
one from diabetes
one didnt wake up
and lastly, one from cancer

Its so shocking and sad. They were all so young, it fills me with fear. Fear for my loved ones, pure raw fear. Fear and sadness.


poshlemon said...

How do you ever get over something like this?

N said...

if you're talking about my friend... you kinda dont for years, and then you sort of get used to it, forget it... how it felt at the time and the missing... and then you push it back and move on and live normaly.

but something inside is changed forever. that innocence, fearlessness, that changes forever.

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