Monday, May 14, 2007

The City Virus

Almost every time i leave work i get the same thought; what now?

Funny thing is; when i lived in France i hardly ever got this feeling. I lived alone amidst the Europeans and spent the better part of my time alone entertaining myself, walks, drives, shopping, restaurants, etc etc etc... I did most things alone.

There is something eerily restless about having 70 million people around and having no urge to initiate activity.. like having 76 channels and finding nothing to watch...

I'm not even restless, i am just absolutely unstimulated by anything other work and home, there is nothing else i want to do...

What exactly is this phenomena?


Deeeeeee said...

Pollution, boredom, bad weather, frustration, escape from reality, denial, mere lack of interest or possibly a guilty conscience. Good luck getting over it! Try new stuff maybe..? (As if you haven't already thought of that)

FreudianSlip said...

i get that MOST of the time but on other occasions, things seem a lot better and i'm reminded of the reason why i came here in the first place...those are rare moments and they tend to come by when i'm by my lonesome strolling the streets of cairo.

N said...

you stroll in cairo?

Anonymous said...

Welcome back to Good Old Polluted Cairo...

Ok, people here get on your nerves on a daily basis, trafic's like hell,it is as if hell has broken loose. Pollution is at its highest peaks.
People are loosing more & more of their temper over stupid things...
But I guess that this is the evolution of any "City", with its own dwellers evoluting accordingly nowadays & everywhere...
Cities are like humans, they're born, they grow & then they'd one day probably suffocate under their own weight & die....
As for humans surrounding us in this particular city or town, this is another issue implicating lots of historico-politico-social, economical & ethnical backgrounds theories that would be envolved, But, if there is a handfull of people convinced enough,that they'd able to change the way this city grows, it'll never suffocate under its own weight & under the ignorance of its own dwellers, but it'll blossom one day to become "The City" where everybidy wants to live !!

Just be Patient N... :)...

Every City has its own Charms..Just if you try hard to discover them in order to enjoy them.

Forsoothsayer said...

but...there's so much to do!