Monday, February 12, 2007

Hide & Seek

You hide, i seek
I hide, you seek
mocked by the sturdy
obsessive for the weak
i could not live one more day
waiting for things to go away
i couldn't bare the lack of hope
the noose so neatly tied -
at the end of that rope
i called it quits you cried
we play so well this game of hide
so well that tears of truth get lost
amidst the repetitive tears of lies
i could not live one more day
tucked between blankets of grey
and now i suddenly play no more
turns out too much play can bore
now what am i to do?
now that i no longer stay
playing the only game i ever play?
now what am i to do
with this new game -
of only seek?
taken on by the sturdy
and renounced by the weak
i hide, you seek
i hide, you seek...


Maat said...


as much as i can relate, couldn't have never said it better.

Veeeva said...

this game sucks more and more esp. as i get older.
i'm tired of finding sm1's heart.

Sand-E said...

I like the rhythem you've got going in this bit:
" now that i no longer stay
playing the only game i ever play?
now what am i to do
with this new game -
of only seek?
taken on by the sturdy
and renounced by the weak
i hide, you seek
i hide, you seek..."
job welldone girlie.

Om Luji said...

Very well-written. I loved it.

It is like a tide and ebb kinda game. People in a relationship have to go through this maze, but after a while one gets bored and exhausted.