I also have wishes for 2011. I wish for my mother to be better. For my mother to stay with me and to get better. That is my biggest wish, i would trade in all my other wishes and previously declared plans in a heart beat, for this one wish.
I have wishes for my husband to find his peace at work and reap the fruits of all that hard work. I wish him success, in abundance.
I have one last wish that my best friend moves back from the states. That somehow her husband decides that his 15 year plan is not worth it, and just calls it a day. You never know....
Lastly, i am grateful for 2010. I am grateful for my mom's perseverance and stubbornness :)
I am grateful for the miraculous opportunity to change industries and careers without taking a pay cut. I am grateful for the ability to work 12 hour days for weeks on end and being able to prove myself worthy of this opportunity, and being recognized for it so quickly.
I am grateful for the proximity of this opportunity to my home! I am grateful for one year of marriage, peaceful and happy and as smooth as one can hope for it to be.
I am grateful for my 20's being over with all their drama, confusion and intensity. I am grateful for moving into a more grounded era of my life.
Lastly i am grateful for for all the gifts that God has given me to be able to live my life as i live it.
May 2011 be as kind as 2010 and as fruitful.
Love and joy to all,